In the past, we’ve been ‘held hostage’ by techie people who talked over our heads. We clicked with Evolution I.T. Services, Inc. from the start because they are so down to earth and more than willing to do a great job for their clients. Evolution I.T. Services, Inc. is a professional company with a real commitment to provide excellent technical expertise and incredibly good customer service. We haven’t found that from other providers.

Market Research
Evolutions I.T. Services, has been outstanding to work with over the last ten years. They provide us with very responsive support where we have an issue and they get it right the first time.
They have navigated us through various multi-server upgrades and the migration to a 100% virtualized environment. Today they continue to manage our entire infrastructure, servers, storage, AutoDESK products, network, security and email.
When it comes to our I.T., we couldn’t do it without them.

Commercial Engineering